Monday, December 15, 2014

If You Will Do Dirty Jobs, There is Never a Concern over Job Security

That philosophy kept me continuously employed for over thirty years.  It didn't do me a whole lot of good but it did provide employment.

As someone (just about anyone) much wiser than myself once said, "Work does little for the content of one's life but at least it gives it structure."

The way it works with computers and systems programmers is that some idiot would call up and tell you something so ludicrous that your only response is:  you did fucking WHAT?

Regular IBM systems programming is easy as you just pour it out of a bottle but fixing the things programmers do can be an unparalleled nightmare.  If you're willing to fix the stupid shit they do, you will be employed until your last gasp.

And (cough) speaking of shit.

There was once an episode of cleaning up after some parrots.  However, this exercise made those parrots look like budgies (i.e. parakeet in American) and those parrots were big birds.

If you know cats, you know they will not (cough) relieve themselves anywhere that is not clean.  If there is any lapse in shitterbox maintenance then they will find a place on their own.  Women are similar in they will only use the toilet at home ... because they know it is clean.  (Yah, right, Delilah.  Tell me that ain't true.)

In a house, you may not know the cats have found a substitute shitterbox until that delicate aroma reaches you and now the task is to find it.

I found it.

Two cats put those parrots to total shame.  I know I lose all credit for gift giving in saying anything about doing this but .... DAYUM .... what a fookin' job.  Yevette couldn't do anything about it as she's been gone for months and someone else had the Cat Detail.  As I discovered, the Cat Detail wasn't doing a whole hell of a lot although he kicked ass at World of Tanks.

So now that's all cleaned up and I PineSol'ed the living hell out of it.  Hopefully that will show the cats this place is not a good choice ... or maybe they will like it even better because it's clean and fresh.  Some measure of follow-up is definitely indicated.

Ho, ho, ho!

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