Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Christmas with the Titanian Fishlizards

Some skeptics, dare I say heretics, don't believe in the existence of Titanian Fishlizards and it is a bit difficult to accept given it would likely take extreme chemistry to make it work ... but ... there are hydrocarbons galore and any good mechanic should be able to make some most interesting creatures with all that stuff.

It's said there is water rather than liquid methane on Europa so that's more credible or at least easier to accept.  Europian Fishlizard doesn't sound quite as cool but I can go with it.

To make it work on Europa, you need a Krebs Cycle and that's the one that's broken the hearts of many freshmen in Biology and / or Chemistry.  The key part of it is ADP (Adenosine Di-Phosphate) adds a Phosphorus atom to become ATP (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate).  That's some excruciating stuff to read ... but it's also the nuclear reactor in your body as the energy stored and released through this process is what makes your body work.  Coincidentally, it would also work quite nicely for Europian Fishlizards.

But still the big question is how do they celebrate Christmas.  Since they're such intelligent creatures, they will have considered existential matters at least in terms of whether the existence of Earthlings matters.  To them the answer is likely we don't and that sucks for us but everyone needs a hobby.  If killing Earthlings and eating them is one of them then that will be a bit of a problem but at least it's understandable.  If that mattered, we probably shouldn't have let television and radio escape the atmosphere.  As soon as they saw Milton Berle wearing a dress, it was over for us.

That still doesn't tell us what they do for Christmas, tho.  This will probably remain a mystery until there's a movie cooler than "Europa Report."

(Ed:  that was one seriously pitiful punchline)

Right you are.  I hang my head in shame ... until a Europian Fishlizard eats it.

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