Monday, December 22, 2014

The Silas TechnoHypnoGroove Christmas Song Take VII Pending

Take V and Take VI came and went.  This is good as the loop still lives so it goes on to Take VII.

The trouble is trancefulness as Christmas isn't a trance.  Therefore, it may need some angels sweeping through from time to time.  Synths make outstanding angel sounds, they may even do that better than anything else.  You can play Swingle Singers all day long if you like.

So maybe I should.  Maybe a little swingle is what gives Christmas that tingle.  You won't get no tingle, if you don't got that swingle.  Do wop do wop do wop.

(Ed:  you aren't really going to do this are you?)

I hope not ... but I might.  It's almost starting to sound cool but it mustn't have any percussion.  I'm pretty sure angels don't need tom toms.  I may be wrong as I didn't think they needed lobsters either.

What it means is recording a second loop to alternate with the first one but whether that only adds gratuitous complexity is hard to tell.

It's much better with a band as something they would get in seconds takes all day to program.  The looper isn't a new art form, it's just a tool because no-one else is here.  I'm clear on that aspect so the question is how best to use it (i.e. create lots and lots of loops to impress the living hell out of people or what).

(Ed: nope)

Right.  Impressing anyone isn't part of it or it's a waste before it starts.

Off to some shows but this will be percolating in the background.  I'm getting more optimistic about shooting it tonight.

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