Thursday, December 25, 2014

There's no Star of Bethlehem ... Except Tonight

Comet Lovejoy C/2014 Q2 is a name that imparts such a compelling vision of spirituality that it's scarcely necessary to write.  It immediately gets me thinking of angels and trumpets, peace on Earth, and maybe some GMO vegetables.

(Ed:  Vegetables?)

The comet is green and Kermit the Comet is a little hard to accept but he's up there right now and is just becoming visible.

(Ed:  Hogwash!)

Oh really.

I did not Photoshop the image to make a dumb joke.  Astronomers say it glows green because of a high proportion of cyanogens and molecular carbon in the gas blowing off it.  (The Conversation:  A Christmas comet to be seen from dark skies)

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