Monday, June 1, 2015

Going Blatantly for a Hendrix Sound

The chainsaw distortion guitar is something I dearly love as nothing says Up Against the Wall better and, wtf, I like the sound.

There's also a clean sound I use for the guitar but it's so clean it could go through a TSA inspection and those punks wouldn't even try to grope its boobs.

Yesterday I was watching "Rainbow Bridge" and I couldn't be bothered with the hippie dialog so I skipped forward to the concert at the end.  There's a little three-chord bit Hendrix does and the guitar has a lot of flanger on it.  The bit he was playing is incredibly hooksome and I intend to get me some of that.  Which chords doesn't matter but the sound matters a lot and there was some progress toward making one yesterday.

Note:  the Rainbow Bridge is only about death insofar as you are about death.  That's not at all what I see in it.

What I need is a sound for "I'll Never Ask" (this blog) and that is definitely not a chainsaw guitar song.  The metre of the poem is nuts but it works the way I read it.  That makes no sense on paper as poems don't understand musical rests but it will work when it's played.

None of what I'm doing right now requires high-technology and in some ways I'm glad of it because it forces a different kind of discipline.  The only high-tech I was wanting for the video yesterday was another desk lamp for the foreground so you could see better how the Galaxy Guitar sparkles.  I've never yet got a photograph of that which really captures it but I've never lost sight of that objective.  It's been years back now but the Mystery Lady came up with the idea and she and I spent hours putting the little stars onto it.  That may not sound too enjoyable but I loved it as that happened on a warm day in a park.  That guitar is blessed by the light of the Sun as much as any axe ever can be.

So shut up and show that guitar some respect, boy.  Play it.

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