Monday, June 29, 2015

One World Government and Other Bedtime Stories ... If You Like Nightmares

The idea of a One World Government is sometimes an obscure threat of a socialist hegemony based around the United Nations.  Often it's a conspiracy of the Jewish bankers who secretly control everything in the world.  And then you get on into the (cough) really weird ideas.

The only substantive effort toward a One World Government has been more grossly illegal, violated more laws than the Mafia can ever dream, and has worked directly with the worst criminals in the world.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the CIA, an organization which has waged a war against any type of left wing government ever since the fifties and continues to this day, unconstrained by any vestige of law or morality.

One of the early examples was the overthrow of the government of Salvador Allende in 1961.  This was deeply troubling in many ways, one of which was that Eisenhower was arguably one of the best Presidents America has ever had and it was disturbing to believe he had anything to do with CIA policies of this nature.  Nevertheless, his engagement with the CIA for the specific purpose of undermining socialism was based on preventing the expansion of a Stalinist regime and is documented.  (Miller Center:  American President A Reference Resource)

In quick summary, Allende was the legally-elected socialist President of Chile and the CIA with advisement from Kissinger was instrumental in fomenting the revolution which overturned the country and resulted in Allende's death.  Allende died by suicide but this was after being cornered and he had nowhere else to go.  Whether he was a suicide or was murdered is only semantic quibbling.

The exceptional fiasco of the Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba belonged to Kennedy.  In all cases, whomever was President at the time is charged with responsibility.  Truman said 'the buck stops here' but in more recent times the buck hasn't stopped anywhere.  In this context, there's only one place it can stop, no matter how much whomever sits on the buck tries to duck it.

Che Guevara was assassinated in Bolivia when he went there to protest the right wing government.  The CIA with the help of ex-NAZI, Klaus Barbie, was behind that one as well.  This took place during Johnson's administration and the significance is the opposition to the overt presentation of the War on Poverty while at the same time waging in secrecy a war against the left through the CIA.

The opposition to US policy in leftist governments in South America, particularly Venezuela, is not surprising as they are well aware of what the CIA has been doing in the region and know they will be treated in exactly the same way.  Multiple recent Washington administrations have tried to demonize the Venezuelan government and it hasn't made any difference whether the administration has been left or right.

The CIA and its backroom death panel agenda have been functioning for over sixty years as they still decide to this day who lives and who dies.  The most disturbing aspect of this, beyond the absolute lack of morality and violation of law and integrity in what they do, is the agenda never changes from one administration to the next.  Regardless of whether the live administration in Washington has a lean toward Democrat or Republican, the CIA never leans and the anti-Stalinist agenda continues.  The key point to all of this is you have not one single word to say in what they do and haven't had for sixty years.

One blazing example of CIA arrogance was through General Keith Alexander and his partner in amorality, James Clapper, both of whom lied to Congress on multiple occasions and nothing was done.  The CIA has little or no accountability for anything it does and none of it represents America any more than the Trail of Tears and the monstrous crime of legitimatizing it.

If you want your One World Government, find who drives what the CIA does and you will have your huckleberry.  The irony is the targets of the agenda are most frequently those which have demonstrated little tendency toward imperialism in their histories (e.g. Russia and China) whereas America's history is riddled with it.  The ludicrous irony is in how America regards Britain as an ally in this and Britain is arguably history's greatest failure in imperialism.  All that's left of it is the Royals, a huge clock, and a mountain of debt ... which leaves Britain two-up on the United States as all it got for a prize was a mountain of debt.

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