Saturday, June 27, 2015

Why Punks at Dallas Safari Club Only Shoot Old and Weak Animals

There is one simple answer to why Dallas Safari Club and other punk ass safari trophy hunters don't shoot healthy animals and it is simple:  healthy animals would have them for lunch.  If you give a small man a big gun, the first thing he will do is find the biggest thing he can kill with it.

Maybe you think you're fast but you're not fast.  Maybe you think Usain Bolt is fast ... but he's lunch too.  A wild boar can run at up to thirty miles per hour ... and ... it can do it for a mile.  Hunters have previously told me the wild boar is an extremely dangerous animal and, based on the content of CNN news comment threads, they're not just faster but also considerably more intelligent than humans.

But a wild boar is only No. 3 for the fastest and maybe you guess the cheetah is the fastest with its top speed of about seventy miles per hour.  That's impressive ... like a high school boy who finally persuades someone to get naked with him for the first time ... and it's over even before the NSA has time to focus their cameras.

Who knows more about running than the people at "Runner's World" and they have compiled a list of the ten of the fastest and most dangerous animals.  (Runner's World:  Outrun the World's Most Dangerous Animals)

Yah, it's a list and we all hate lists but this one also includes how much of a head start you will probably need to avoid becoming an appetizer for one of these animals.  If you're dealing with bears, your best chance is when you start in a different city.

The beauty part of this list is these are only a few of the land creatures which can eat you and there are so many more in the water.  (Blog:  Mediterranean Shark Attacks: You Are Food)

In the final judgment, humans are not lords of creation ... we are lunch.

The typical cop from the Dallas Safari Club is they serve as conservationists by filling the role of the top predator as such creatures never take the strongest and healthiest specimens when they're hunting and that's because they can't catch them.  Why bother when they can get a perfectly good meal without working anywhere near that hard by taking weak or injured members of the herd.

All of that is true about improving the herd by culling the weak ones but that still doesn't make anyone in the Dallas Safari Club a 'top predator' because there's one fundamental difference:  top predators do it out of need whereas the DSC trophy hunters do it for amusement.

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