Saturday, June 27, 2015

Cat, My Back is Feeling Better

Telling Cat my back feels better is not enough.  Much better to show her.

Joaquin Gustav was performing on-stage but my limited photographic skills weren't sufficient to show all three of us.

Last night was the first time back at Cat's Art MusikCircus in nearly two months and there was no plan to do it but there was and it was time for Joaquin to play so ... let's dance!

The RL aspect of this is today is the day of the Hot Bath Which Cures Everything except plagues of telephone solicitors or frogs.  As you all know from your own miserable experience with exactly the same thing, your back is never cured but, much like Jehovah's Witnesses, at least it will go away for a while and I usually get about six months or a year between visits so that's not so bad.

No, I wasn't whining to Cat about it in the background as it's not so long since the same thing happened to her.  I'm tellin' you, it gets us all.

So, uh, do you wanna talk about Intelligent Design?

Tip:  raising that subject with anyone who has recently 'thrown out his / her back' is an exceptionally bad idea.

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