Tuesday, June 16, 2015

iMac Countdown

The Apple Store said three to five days and the week-end may not count but today did for sure so now it's two to four and that means Wednesday to Friday.  Few things in my life have been so wearing as the last two months or so and, for multiple reasons, various things have changed.

It may be the iMac will still not really be fixed.  Unpredictable and pointless to speculate.

Unclear if I can make it a promise yet to come up to Cincinnati.  Seeing friends before I go is very important to me and it's also important to see how well I'll handle a day or so on a bus.  The problem is not putting up with fellow travelers as they're always interesting so long as it's not some boring tour group in which you see the same ones every day.

Right now the task is to clean up the filth after five or more cats were left to run wild and I never would have imagined how much damage they could do.  (Hell no it wasn't Yevette who let that happen)  Those who have to go into places where people have kept even more cats have my deepest sympathy.  After what I've seen from this, all anyone can do with a house like that is burn it to the ground.  I've done my share of cleaning Army latrines and that is nothing compared to this.

However, as has been my philosophy for much of my life:  you'll always have job security if you're willing to do dirty jobs.  In this case, I don't really think I wanted quite so much job security.  This isn't a whine but rather socialism.  Yevette had made a spectacular effort on a different kind of project.  She was most pleased to see the progress on this so, yep, that's socialism, girl.

No doubt some who visit here see my persona as an elitist fuckhead and, sure, I'll own that but I'm also an elitist fuckhead who has cleaned my share of toilets and I'm such an elitist fuckhead that I say any other elitist fuckheads who are unwilling to do that are just a bunch of poofy prima donnas.

Maybe you think only reefer can make for an article this (cough) disjointed but there isn't any as that effort fell as flat as just about everything else lately.  There is success, tho, in two huge rolling trash barrels outside which the socialist city workers will remove tomorrow.

The somewhat less disjointed aspect is how long it will take to get anything happening beyond cleaning up cat shit and I'm hoping to get the clean-up finished when those barrels are empty and I can get started again.  With any kind of luck, which, admittedly, has been in short supply lately, that will complete about the time the iMac is ready and it will take some days to bring it up to speed as the machine coming back will be as virginal as one shipped from the factory.

That last takes it back up to the top for when it could even be possible for a trip to Cincinnati and how I will pay for it.  In parallel with other activity is selling down the kit and it's heartbreaking as it took all my life to get this stuff.  If anyone wants to think this is for some kind of spite or to make a point, you're so far out in left field that you'll likely be eaten by an alligator.  I'd take every bit of this stuff to Europe if it were possible to do it and to move it once I get there.

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