Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Mr. Potato Head

The sixties were a time when a kid could have fun with a potato and not only by putting one on the end of the exhaust pipe of someone else's car.

Note: the above will prevent the car from starting.  In the modern time when even the cars have guns, it's not your best choice for a prank.

Mister Potato Head was a popular toy during that time and there is a charming simplicity to such a thing relative to the jaded amusements of the modern day.

There was a price to be paid for simplicity, however, as Mr. Potato Head was a toy with lots of tiny parts and any young enough kid who swallowed them could die.  There's also a good chance Mr. Potato Head parts were the ones most likely to require removal by a doctor from a kid's ear or nose.

There are multiple reasons I'm glad there were no kids in my life as I missed the joy of hearing from a doctor my kid's ear ache is being caused by the presence of Mr. Potato Head's hat.  I do know enough about kids that the answer to how the hat got in his ear will always be:  I dunno (shrug).

I'll skip the punchline as you already know it.

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