Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Doctor, I'm Delusional

In the modern context, 'delusional' means anything from someone thinking an ugly dress is cool up to, well, just about anything the Fox News talking potatoes may announce.

Today I discovered someone with the same name as I practicing psychiatry in New York.  You can find Dr Alan Fraser at the Cornell University Medical College.

My first thought is to make an appointment with him to find if he can cure my delusion of thinking I am a psychiatrist.

I did help a friend understand she was addicted to Vicodin and helped her through the time getting a grip on the fact she can't use it anymore.  I can cheerfully report she did not go back to that poisonous stuff so ... see ... I'm a psychiatrist.

Note:  reefer had nothing to do with it as there were some years during which I didn't smoke it.  Those were ten wasted years but at least my emergence as a psychiatrist came out of them.

Perhaps if I make an appointment with myself then I can be cured of my delusion.  I just don't know.

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