Friday, August 1, 2014

UN / US Ceasefire in Gaza - Full Support

There is no way to know how much demands from the people affected this course of events but they did no harm to it.

In parallel with the ceasefire, Israel will meet with all parties from Palestine in Cairo.  Presumably this includes Hamas and perhaps that's just as well as there is no peace unless they agree to it too.

People (I refer to pundits and therefore use the term loosely) are still trying to describe one or other party as the bad guy.  Tell you what, the bad guy is whomever stops negotiation and breaks the ceasefire.

Assuming the talks fail and they start shooting again, the next escalation is sending in troops under a United Nations flag to make it stop and keep the talking happening.

Now I have to ask myself if I had a son and he said he wanted to be a soldier in such a circumstance for the United Nations, what should I say.

For anything else I would tell him don't go but for this I would tell him to make up your own mind.  In this regard I am so damn glad I never had a kid.

They say they have been killing each other for thousands of years and it has to be this way.  That's bullshit.  This has been happening since 1947 with the creation of the state of Israel.  That state will not go away therefore settle this matter.  For now there is reason for some hope.  We shall see.

My other hope is that people will speak and continue to speak for the United Nations intercession as necessary to keep the peace while this works through to resolution.  My concern is why there is not a US / Russia partnership in this as the world has everything to gain from this.

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