Tuesday, June 2, 2015

"God is Here and I Fuckin' Know and Jesus Christ is Real" (video)

Reason niner niner five zero niner if you don't have control of yourself then don't fuck with acid.

People find this amusing but I see a kid who wants so desperately to find God that he eats some acid as somewhere he gets the idea that's how you do it.  All you'll find in doing that is the same thing inside you looking out and then there you are looking at yourself.  That loop will continue for eight to twelve hours.

They will probably shoot him with some thorazine but what he really needs is someone to talk to him as then he'll figure it out for himself by the time he comes back down.  That kid is so scared.  Breaks my heart because I know they will break him to cure him.  Their way to cure fear is with more of it.

Were I there, I would tell him I am God.  What would you have me do.  You can't be trippin' yourself for this or you better be damn good at it.  And, no, I would not try to convert him.  After a while I would get demoted from God to a symbol and then to just some guy who's trippin' with him.  He makes of it what he will but he will know for sure he was never alone and being alone is what really terrifies him.  It terrifies a lot of people.

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