Friday, April 28, 2017

All the Hats You Need to Ensure You're Never Invited to Ascot

Here at the Rockhouse, we're kind of partial to the Quizzical Penis hat in the third from the right on the bottom.  What says better than a Quizzical Penis hat, "Pleased to meet you, Your Royalness.  I never met a Queen person before."

Queen:  yes, lad, and I suspect you will not soon meet another

We have a bit of a flair for design here in the Rockhouse and we're thinking the Quizzical Penis hat needs what's, in effect, an air shock absorber, so it can lift up and down on command.  Then it can express the Depressed Quizzical Penis and also the Wildly Libidinous Quizzical Penis.  It's art, I tell you.

Ed:  what's up with Carmen Miranda in the second from the right on the top.  Did she get lost on the way to the Thirties?

Well, it looks like all of these people got lost somewhere.

We love the third from the left on the second row with her expression, "Why are you making me do this?"

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