Friday, August 1, 2014

Valerie Fraser, Artist - The Web Site Buildout Continues

The Valerie Fraser Web site buildout continues.  Don't look for spectaculars as this day was largely lost due to sleeping and intermittent whining about foot cramps.


The Valerie Fraser biography page is now situated and has a very nice pic on it.  I'd say it looks very civilized but I'll be more than happy to uncivilize as if you wish.  I've got lasers shooting out of my guitar on my own page so I lean to some uncivilization for color, identity, or so.  My general thinking has been to understate the page such that the art roars off it at you.  Uncivilization might not be so good so ... something for your consideration.

I will use the blog for tracking this as there won't be anything proprietary in the way the site is developed.  I'll tag the titles 'Valerie Fraser, Artist' so they are easy to find in the article list.

The text colors are deliberately in shades of grey to soften the text relative to the drama of the art.  The text can't compete with such dramatic work but dropping it down a bit makes the page a bit less 'texty' to my taste.  Note always: I'll set things up as I think you may like.  It absolutely will NOT hurt my feelings to change anything.  In fact, it would feel good as then I would know precisely that a change I make is something you want.

There is no plan to put any kind of Web trickery in it such as roll-over events to make things pop at you or anything that smacks of Web magic.  In my view, they insult and waste the time of people who come to view your art.  They will not be impressed just because some hambone found a way to make chipmunks walk across the bottom of the screen or some such.  They come to see your art, show it to them.

Trust your art, your thoughts, etc.  I know you're not one to do this but don't put kittens or whatever all over to make the page look 'cute' as it will only make you look like an idiot or ... even worse ... a blogger mom.  The only content you need on your page is that which pertains specifically and immediately to your art.

We're already clear on the Duck Face but there's another one in which the chanteuse throws her right profile, puts her hands on her right knee and turns her face to the camera.  If you have a pic like this, burn it and shoot the photographer.

There wasn't time for processing the new artwork beyond going through it to see it is a different series of paintings from the first ones and therefore will have its own page.  I'm thinking generally of one dedicated to early shows.  Keep in mind it's important not to create too many pages or then people will still not be able to find anything.

The reserved space for a Twitter stream is 'pushing' to some extent as I do believe it's a good addition to the page.  With a white background it will be relatively unobtrusive and will serve only what you want:  getting quick information to people without needing to edit a Web page.

Those were many words to describe not doing very much ... whoops ... one more.

There needs to be a file that contains names of paintings, price (optional), availability, and who knows what else.  The first question I have had regarding paintings is their names.  This will take a few days but what it will give is flexibility (i.e. the alternative to hard-coding every damn thing in HTML).  With that in-place, edit the file to add the name, upload the image ... you're done.  The page will take it the rest of the way.  This is not difficult and does not require tricks.

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