Thursday, February 11, 2016

Give Up Your Guns and Your Cellphones

The state in America believes it has a right to control any aspect of your life but that belief is not represented anywhere in the Constitution and comes solely from executive boardrooms.  Such outfits have a knack for blaming everything on the people but we don't want anything from Washington except for pols to stay there and don't bother anyone else.  We don't care about their religion because it's patently obvious whatever religion they follow does not come close to working.  If Washington is any indication, Christianity is the worst and most selfish and vicious religion in the world.

Fortunately, Washington is not an indication because their religion isn't real and neither are the politicians.  Our favorite is the Newt Gingrich Prayer Pose and we have a concrete model of him in the yard here, right next to the dinosaur and the duck.  Sometimes tourists stop by and take pictures praying with Newt.  Often they get hit by cars when they do that and I suppose I should warn them.

Someone painted an Anonymous mustache on the Newt Gingrich Prayer Pose and at first I was going to remove this graffiti but really he looks better so I left it there.

The state doesn't have to do anything about guns and gun owners will go berserk.  We've seen them whipped into a frothy, mindless horror over the last eight years and Obama never did anything to take their guns.  Being in a relationship with such pussies must be one major horror as anyone that paranoid is never ever going to trust a partner.

The gunners go berserk to defend their rights, with or without reason to raise a defense, but the situation is different when the state says it wants to monitor what you do with your cellphone.  There is a never-ending campaign in Washington to force removal of encryption and personal protection from the state on cellphone.

What do we hear from gunners?

Yah, crickets.

(Ezakiel:  it's for security.  It's for the safety of America.)

Yah, and so is gun control but you revile that like it's an invasion of NAZIs.

(Ezakiel:  failing to eliminate the encryption gives terrorists the upper hand!)

Let's review the facts, He Who Never Reads Anything.  The terrorists don't have any hand and have less effect on America than Mike Huckabee or Carly Fiorina.  Besides, encryption gives bad guys cellphones whereas the NRA gives them guns.  Your call.

(Ezakiel:  but we're in danger!)

Don't drive drunk.  Then you won't be.

Do you hear any of these people fretting the real peril of being killed or injured by a drunk driver or shot by some nincompoop who thinks bats are reading his mind and controlling his behavior?

Right.  Me either.


Anonymous said...

I will understand why you continually bash the religion based on how some interpret it or how they poorly follow it.
Islam is not the reason ISIS exists. It is just the tool they use to force they will on others
Does that make the religion bad or the morons interpretting poorly

Unknown said...

That was specifically Washington religion which doesn't even represent humans, much less Americans.