Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Scooter Ride from Greece to Scotland Happens Again

"Abandoning Paradise" is the book telling the story of last summer's 3,000 km scoot from Greece to Scotland.  Nothing will change with that book as it spins happily around on iTunes and gets hammered with all the hippies at Apple.

The story of the ride was covered in the blog so it was released piece by piece.  That's the same way the book will now be released in Web format and it has started on the Features page where you can pick up the link and all the other stuff or you can go directly to the new "Abandoning Paradise" site.  The Foreword segment is online and the rest of the book will follow just as it did on the blog, although considerably faster.

The content is word-for-word identical as will be the pictures.  Quite likely there will be more of them as there are tons you didn't see the first time, for many reasons.  (Don't hold me on it being a verbatim copy as I may add to it.)

So, with the Foreword written, the next thing in Chapter One is to take a last look at Paradise before rolling out.  The biggest regrets are most of all that I couldn't hang on long enough for Lotho and family, Yevette, the Cadillac Man could get out there to visit.  I knew I was falling apart.  I had to do it.  I'm sorry but hopefully you all got that from what happened when I got back here.  I'm not sorry about a whole lot in my life but it sucked that I couldn't share it better with you.

The book is the next best thing and this will leave it splattered all over the place.  It's still on the blog and people do still read some of that stuff.  The book is out there on iTunes.  Now there will be this version on the blog.  They do not conflict with each other but it would bore you to review why that is true.

So, I'm happy to share it and I hope you enjoy it as much as the first time around.

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