"Bomb Me Amadeus" (instrumental tracks) is on the Ride the Dragon podcast.
This is what happens when a good practical joke goes bad. The object at first was to download a MIDI file, patch it up and then I have some tracks for Abdul al Adhubidhubi.
Then then things got out of hand and the result is on the podcast.
I didn't play a note and I won't use it for live because it ain't me but for screwin' around, hey, let it rip. It's insane what you can do to MIDI files in GarageBand as really it's Logic but with half of the cylinders disabled.
Also try the Drummer in GB as he won't make you Ginger Baker but he'll put all kinds of whoop-ass on a canned MIDI drum track.
I will kick myself until my last gasp for failing to record the echo drum jam with toms. I could have used that track in only a million other things or so. I no longer have the drum kit but it was incredible fun to play.
(Ed: you play drums?)
Nope ... but I don't play anything else either. I never have had any idea what I'm doing. I go by the musical principle of it sounds good or it sucks. Avoid the latter and people will probably like it.
This is what happens when a good practical joke goes bad. The object at first was to download a MIDI file, patch it up and then I have some tracks for Abdul al Adhubidhubi.
Then then things got out of hand and the result is on the podcast.
I didn't play a note and I won't use it for live because it ain't me but for screwin' around, hey, let it rip. It's insane what you can do to MIDI files in GarageBand as really it's Logic but with half of the cylinders disabled.
Also try the Drummer in GB as he won't make you Ginger Baker but he'll put all kinds of whoop-ass on a canned MIDI drum track.
I will kick myself until my last gasp for failing to record the echo drum jam with toms. I could have used that track in only a million other things or so. I no longer have the drum kit but it was incredible fun to play.
(Ed: you play drums?)
Nope ... but I don't play anything else either. I never have had any idea what I'm doing. I go by the musical principle of it sounds good or it sucks. Avoid the latter and people will probably like it.
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