Saturday, September 20, 2014

Save the Drag Queens and the Whales and the Badgers

But not the musicians.

There's a new dramatic uproar on Facebook over the plan to wipe out the profiles for countless drag queens.  I have no idea how many drag queens that might be, a shitload, I guess.  So, Facebook is going to wipe out a shitload of drag queens.

This has singular poignance after the ever-so-convincing drive toward embracing sexual diversity when they gave human sexual lifestyles more different titles than Baskin Robbins has flavors of ice cream.

Just kidding.  We didn't mean it.  Get those perverts out of here.

Facebook has been doing this to musicians for years.  If you live by your professional name then you must be smashed, spindled, and mutilated into the Facebook peanut butter machine.  They have done it countless times which means a shitload, I guess.


No-one said anything about it with musicians so, whatever a drag queen is worth, musicians are worth less than that.

Now you know.

Get those perverts out of here.

(Ed:  drag queens or musicians?)

It seems clear to me that Facebook regards both as perverts.

Left-handed masturbators,
next we come for you.
As no matter what you're doing
we think you're a pervert too.

We'll kill your pervert profile
We're erase your pervert name
We have the power to ensure
no Candy Crush in your game.

- DJ Zucky Zuck

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