Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sarah Palin, Queen of the Trailer Park

Ordinarily the bimbo's name isn't worth mentioning as she has never said anything one couldn't read more easily and much more inexpensively from a car bumper.


Then the Tea Party and Trailer Park Queen went out for a party.

And that's when things got weird.  (Guardian: Palin family in Alaska brawl: 'Alcohol was believed to be a factor')

Sarah Palin was there with her husband Meat.  They call him Meat because his job is to be quiet and drive snowmobiles.  Palin can park him in a chair when she leaves town and, no matter how long she's gone, he will still be sitting in it when she comes back.


He gets some beer in him ... and she gets some beer in her ... and Bristol ... and some ex-soldier thug son who started the fight ... and who knows how many other Palins and Hatfields she could find.

The part that gets me crying laughing is a drunked-up Sarah Palin screeching, "Don't you know who I am?"  Don't you know who I am?"

The police report did not include the response which was, "Sure, lady.  We know who you are.  The taxes are higher than when you took office and Alaska has one of the highest state taxes in the country.  Now you're a drunk unemployed washout.  Piss off."

Video of this would be worth millions.  It must have been so damn funny.

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