Tuesday, September 2, 2014

lefty Unplugged Closes the Factories at Cat's Art MusikCircus

"I Hope They Shut the Factory Down" is a song by lefty Unplugged / Kevin Farrell in the grand style of protest that made music what it was.  That it isn't anymore is because people stopped doing it.  That lefty stands up at Cat's Art MusikCircus to do it now gets my respect.

The Moral Majority turned to cellulite and went to Facebook where they protest all day and eat Taco Bell carry-out.  However, the Moral Majority has always been cellulite, they weren't previously so annoying but they would be anyway.

The protest is what the Moral Majority won't hear and that's why it takes balls to do it.  The Moral Majority has lots of money but they blow it on guns, booze and Taco Bell.  They could save any musician on the planet if the passed on a few tacos but they won't.  Tacos make them feel safe.  Protest scares them.  Maybe they think it will take away their tacos.  I don't know.

I respect very much that lefty hopes the factories will shut down as I agree that what the factory workers get is not worth what the factory owners do.  It's not clear why they turn into greedy, arrogant bastards just because they built a warehouse or some such but so it goes.  We have all seen it happen.

Don't turn this upside-down to read lefty's other songs are without protest as that's not true.  They are worded with more subtlety.  Therefore I conclude lefty wanted this one In Your Face.

Hat tip from the Galactic Peace Tour to lefty Unplugged for having the balls to take a stand and, what's more, it's a cool song.  Ask him for it.  Sending tips to musicians is always good but I positively ga-ron-tee you will make a smile if you ask for a song by name.

Um, what?  You know my stuff?

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