Tuesday, September 2, 2014

America Didn't Win World War II

You hear constantly that American won World War II ... but only from Americans.  Anyone with any sensitivity, common sense, and/or knowledge of history is aware of the millions of Russian civilians and soldiers who were lost fighting on the Eastern Front.  They lost so many soldiers fighting the German armies that it put a significant dent in the population demographic for all of Russia.

My purpose isn't to denigrate what America did but rather to view it accurately.  Consider what would have happened had Hitler not attacked Stalin in one of the most blindly stupid military campaigns of all world history.

Do you seriously think England would have been able to stand up to being the sole focus of the German military.  Without the beachhead in England, there would have been no chance of the D-Day invasion.  Hitler would have had plenty of time to build his V3 rocket to chuck them across the Atlantic.  He would have had plenty of time to finish his work on a nuclear bomb.

Maybe he could pacify Stalin by sending him lots of vodka and telling him he loves him.  After Amerika is toast, we will be best friends for, well, until we're not best friends.  Drunk up, comrade.

The idea America won the war insults every soldier who fought in it including the Americans because every damn one of them knew he was risking his life to stop Hitler.  That Japan took so long was because of all those damn little islands.  The Japanese Navy as an offensive threat was mostly destroyed at Midway, long before.

If not for the Eastern Front, America would have had the same situation as Germany in which they have two wars at the same time.  They had that anyway but not to the extent it would have been if Russia were not engaged.

I suspect America would be radioactive right now if not for Russia.

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