Wednesday, August 6, 2014

DD and Michi Electronify Cat's Art MusikCircus

The best and worst things about music are that it has something for everyone.  Some of that involves girls who look like boys and who make squeaky sounds that, inexplicably, people like.  I can't get too superior about this as Russell Brand is a very bright guy and he had quite a preference for Katy Perry although she, at least, does not look like a boy.

It's a hard thing for a performer when you make the music you like and you know what you do is way off any popular charts, it's just never going to be there ... but ... still all you really want is for people to like your music.  No matter how far out you go with your jazz, still you would really dig it if someone likes it or at least gets it.

Deceptions Digital and Michi Renoir are musically outrageous in their own different ways.  It's always thoughtful music and is usually best with at least some concentration as you can't rely on memory; it's not uncommon for either of them to play a set that has nothing in it from the previous week.

People sometimes come and go from their shows but the rules are different than for most other performers.  Those who come to the shows for DD and Michi often know them already so they really are fans ... but ... a true fan isn't going to automatically like everything you do.  The real one knows your music and has a good idea of what you can do.  If the current song drifts too far from that virtual expectation, you have troubles ... or not ... maybe they will dig it.

This is the risk DD and Michi will take in their separate sets every time they take the stage.  Sometimes the result will be disappointing (for them) but my view is that the most important perspective for any show is not the people who leave but the people who stay.  These ones understand so love them up real good!

Progressive music is dangerous as people may leave and that's why it's so damn cool that Cat's Art MusikCircus exists to feature it.  No matter what you want to play, Cat wants you to play it.  If you think you have a way to get birds to sing "Chopsticks" (take a moment to visualize that) then the MusikCircus is the venue to find out if the act will work.

Understand this very clearly:  you will never disappoint Cat by playing something unusual.  In fact, you will disappoint her if you don't!

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