Monday, December 17, 2012

The Abdication of NRA Responsibility

In the days since the Newtown massacre, NRA proponents, male and female, have been unanimous in their defense of gun ownership and they have also been unanimously silent in any substantive suggestions as to how to stop a massacre like this from happening again.  It's even reached the point of such lunacy as suggestions that teachers should be given guns or, better yet, from Ann Coulter a suggestion that there should be more concealed-carry permits to make it easier to hide guns.

At best, the NRA types say that guns shouldn't be blamed, the shooter had a mental problem.  Well, obviously he had a mental problem as sure as hell he didn't get the idea from Doctor Spock to go to school to kill twenty children.  What's to be done about it is the problem and on that matter they're notably silent.

The NRA has consistently and categorically abdicated its responsibility toward responsible gun ownership and instead has served as little more than a marketing tool for the sellers of advanced weaponry.  Their response historically to any of the multitude of gun massacres in the country has been to send forth pretty boys like Charlton Heston or rampaging lunatics like Ted Nugent, neither of whom ever offered anything toward ensuring the safety of the citizenry and instead affirmed their willingness to do whatever was necessary to keep their guns.

There's the never-ending litany regarding the Second Amendment and the 'right to bear arms' as to how this was intended to prevent tyranny from the government.  In that context, private gun ownership has utterly failed as evidenced by everything from the wild abuses of power in Washington to cops macing girls at public protests by OWS.  It was certainly successful in the right to form militias as that has resulted in right-wing terrorist armies but they have no interest in defending the freedom of all Americans, rather their interest, as always, is in defending the right to own guns.

Moreover, regarding the protest of tyranny, protests against the governments for financial impropriety have been much larger and more effective in countries that do not permit wholesale gun ownership such as Spain, Greece, Portugal and multiple others.  America rolled over faster than a Tijuana hooker with nothing more than some whining on Facebook.  The efficacy of the private ownership of guns in defense of freedom has never been demonstrated anywhere.

Barring any suggestions from anywhere else, let all the handguns be collected and melted down for scrap.  If you really want to stop the violence, do something about it rather than just ranting on Facebook.

I further suggest that the whorish coverage of these massacres by the news networks be treated with the contempt it deserves.  They are profit-making entities and they relish the blood of the children as much as a vampire bat, however the animal is motivated by need whereas the news networks are motivated by greed.

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