Saturday, December 29, 2012

"The Tiger and the Monkey" Alan Fraser (audio podcast)

OK, so I recorded another love song and I'm glad (laughs).  If you don't know this is for Cat then you haven't been paying attention.  It's not a complex song but complex love songs will just make your toes itch, I think.  There are all kinds of reasons for writing songs but writing them for girls is the best one I know.

The lyrics are in the article with the poem "The Tiger and the Monkey" and, even after three takes, I still made some mistakes but that's ok as I wanted to get it down as close to the first impression as possible.  I believe I'll be keeping the song for a while so there will be time to polish it up.  Finances prevent adding more instruments but I don't hear anything in it that needs keys or bass anyway.

The song is on the Ride the Dragon podcast now and, yep, it's still free.

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