Monday, December 24, 2012

Most Pitiful Christmas Tree Ever

Most Pitiful Christmas Tree Ever

This tree came as a surprise loan from Mary and, yes, this is the whole tree; it's not just the top of it.  While it's a little bedraggled, it's everything Christmas needs to be.

The message is already on the 'card' and this is a Merry Christmas wish from Greece.  It won't be a white Christmas but I can see the snow in the mountains nearby.  There won't be any smart comments about dealing with snow as right now the only thing that matters is how pretty it looks when it falls.

The 'card' tells you of my hopes for us all.  Much love!

A special Thank You to Mary as she's the one who loaned me the tree.  I was saying, oh no, no, I don't need a tree as I'm fine.  And I am fine and I have been but I'm still glad she insisted and I'm happy it's here.  Merry Christmas!

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