Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Greek Chess Tournament Results - Round Seven

Round Seven, in Formula 1 terms, was marred by an incident in Turn 4 (i.e. there was an accident).  Mary had an accident midway that cost her a piece so Round Seven wasn't quite the same as the last in which there were no serious blunders.  Even with the error, the game nearly played to a stalemate and I was calling the new Tournament score 4.5 - 2.5 but she said take it.  Well, ok!

There was another error in that I again failed to bring a notebook for annotating the game.  It looks like there is still plenty of time as there's still only a one game spread after seven games.  In general, I was White and opened with the King's pawn.  Mary doesn't play an orthodox defense and advances her pawns quite aggressively.  More than likely, this is what you want to see as you've all seen the different variations on a King's pawn opening theme.  Through the opening game it built as they usually do to a state in which I have a tactical advantage in position.

It's in the middle game that the pawns find a way to crack my position and if I let that happen and there are no incidents in Turn 4 then that will likely play down to a loss for the home team.  However, there was an incident that cost Mary a piece and this propagated out to an overwhelming advantage for me.  We didn't take the end game seriously after it was clear there was no chance, just finish moving the pieces for the mate.  We screwed around with it anyway and it would have been quite easy to play into a stalemate.  This is why she said take the point as really she had already conceded and the end game was just for giggles.

So, the new Greek Chess Tournament standings are 4-3 with the home team (i.e. me) down by one.  We don't schedule the games and just play when she's got the free time to do it so we'll see how it goes for another one.  I'll be seeing Georgia the Dentist tomorrow so that will probably rule out a game but you never know.  I got off quite lightly yesterday and it didn't hurt much at all.  Unknown how it will play tomorrow but she's being quite aggressive about repairing my disaster area and that is most appreciated.  No need for dental war stories, tho.

Mary also made one excellent meal and there no incidents in Turn 4 on that.  It's amazing how she can throw these together and then, as if in a flash of blinding magic, it suddenly turns into a spread across the table.  She makes traditional Greek meals with no surprises in the ingredients but they're wonderful. Unlike America, the big meal of the day in Greece is at what Americans would call lunch-time and this is quite a nice way to do it.

There is one surprise today, tho, and she's Lulu the Dog:

How's that for cute, huh!  She's a charming dog and there's another surprise in her friend, Mary's other dog.  Dias is a Doberman and he's huge.  Don't ever try to get into Mary's life uninvited as Dias will eat you.  He's very well-trained, incredibly-strong, and is obviously a smart dog so getting into his face would be a Very Bad Idea and getting into Mary's face would be, in a word, suicide (laughs).

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