Sunday, December 2, 2012

"Playing in the Cemetery" - Video by Alan Fraser

"Playing in the Cemetery" was the first of the videos I shot in Rhode Island and you can make up your own mind if it works. Some of the scenes were shot in a very old cemetery in Rehoboth, Massachusetts, and it struck me that the gravestones were only about two hundred years old but it wasn't possible to read much of anything on them.  You can make your own exercise in existentialism out of that, I just like to shoot the video and play the guitar.

It's not clear why the videos poofed on YouTube but, sure as hell, a programmer changed something.  Unfortunately that usually doesn't go well and the all-purpose excuse when that happens is that some other programmer changed something.  And so it goes.

I'll re-introduce the videos just as I have done with My Duck Soup.  Nothing will be as it was but nothing ever is.  Hopefully you will like the changes.  If you infer this means that I'm going to try some video in Greece, you have guessed correctly.  I don't have a camera but this video was shot with some seriously-crumby tools so not having a camera won't stop me.  More to come.

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