Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy Birthday to My Ol' Dad, Alex Fraser

I understand there are some other traditions for this day but it's my ol' Dad's birthday and it's starting first here in Greece as I'm eight hours ahead of my siblings in the U.S. He was the inspiration for a whole lot of things and he really loved adventures so I'm quite sure I would not be here in Greece if not for his lead. I would probably also not be broke as he was a financial lunatic too (laughs).

More than anything he inspired the thinking to give more than I take and I have never regretted that. He also thought he was quite a Casanova and for a while I was trying to emulate that too but some parts I don't need to copy anymore (laughs). So these days the Tiger is a pussycat but I'm fine with that even if it does make for softy poems. Truth be known, he turned into a pussycat too.

He could be terrifyingly loud but he's not asking at all loudly right now when he says hey there, globetrotter, why is it you are still smoking.  I hear you, ol' Dad, and I know it's time.  I want to see you again soon but not that soon.

Fark.  That last did it.  I'll take a minute for some quiet time and then get on with my busy day.  I hope it's a wonderful Alex' birthday for the family and a lovely Christmas Eve for you all.

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