Sunday, July 16, 2017

#News on a Nailhead 7/17

CNN now has six women describing sexual harassment in tech which means, in combination with The Guardian, they still don't have enough complainants to even convict Bill Cosby.  They do have capital letters and ponderous music, however.  (CNN:  MONEY, POWER & SEXUAL HARASSMENT)

CNN says the new iceberg should freak you out but, as nearly as we have been able to determine, CNN thinks just about everything should freak you out.  (CNN:  That huge iceberg should freak you out. Here's why)

Note:  the sea levels won't rise; it's already in the water, mates.

When you're just feeling hungry for hearing a CIA shill.  (CNN:  How the Trump Jr. meeting fits into the larger Putin game plan)

Last known address:  Marvel Comics.

When CNN defends Paul Ryan's stodgy dress code, you have definitely identified the ones who ate the brown acid.  (CNN:  Paul Ryan absolutely wrong on Congress' dress code)

It looks like Jesus has been keeping up on his prayers.  (Florida Today:  Jesus took the wheel: Huge pipe crushes van on SR 528; driver named Jesus survives)

The hokiest excuse ever for failing a drug test but it's apparently true.  Also apparent is his girlfriend is not lacking for his attentions.  (CNN:  Olympic Runner Gil Roberts Says Kissing Girlfriend Caused Failed Drug Test)

When there are so many Greek shipwrecks at the bottom of the Aegean Sea, we conclude those ancient Greek ships didn't float worth a damn.  (RT:   Ancient Greek shipwrecks discovered in Aegean Sea)

Lewis Hamilton won the British GP at Silverstone today because of course he did.  (The Guardian:  Lewis Hamilton delivers F1 driving masterclass to win British Grand Prix)

Banning smoking in prison should work wonders for stabilizing the population.  They say they will wean smokers onto e-cigarettes but are apparently unaware e-cigs have a nicotine payload and don't wean anyone off anything.  (Metro:  Inmates are rioting over a new smoking ban in prisons)

Quite a charming portrait of Taylor Swift and that's with zero cynicism.  (The Guardian:  The day Taylor Swift held my hand and asked me if I was ‘ready for a photo shoot’)

When you steal something and break it, return it and cop a plea.  In Lehigh Valley, that play will work.  (Lehigh Valley Live:  Child's missing Power Wheels car returned, but broken)

In other news:  there's absolutely nothing happening in Lehigh Valley.

For grace during a difficult time, take notes about this lady's style.  (CBC News:  Cancelled $30K wedding becomes dinner for homeless)

You may think you're obsessive but you're probably not as obsessive as the Amazon box collector.  (Oddity Central:  The Fascinating Life of a Japanese Amazon Box Collector)

When people respect the leader, you can be sure it's nowhere near here.  (RT:  ‘Putin’s gentle nature bringing Russia back from its knees’ – filmmaker Kusturica)

This idea worked great with Armenians.  (RT:   Erdogan vows to ‘chop off heads of traitors’ at coup anniversary rally)

German men who have no women held a concert in Germany yesterday.  Good luck finding a babe in that hot crowd.  (RT:   Thousands flock to ‘largest’ neo-Nazi rock festival in Germany, outnumber host city’s population)

Medical illness prevents the medical recovery of the medical health plan which was rubbish from the start.  (RT:  McCain illness forces Republicans to delay vote on troubled health care bill)

If you were starting to think Catholics are smarter than people in other religions, this should settle it.  (RT:  ‘Honk against Satan!’: Hundreds of Catholics protest Satanic statue in Minnesota (VIDEO))

When it comes to equal opportunity desecration of graves, no-one does it better than the state or enjoys it more.  (The Guardian:  Battle of Brooklyn ‘grave site’ at heart of new conflict over development plans)

If you enjoy waiting two hours for a ride at Disneyland, this one should be a perfect match.  (RT:  Drone captures deadly drop of ‘world’s most dangerous’ hiking route (VIDEOS))

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