Sunday, December 7, 2014

So, You Don't Think There Are Thirty Days of Christmas in Me - Updated

Well, how should I know if there are but I do know one thing:  I intend to find out.

It's really not thirty days as you all kind of give up the Christmas ghost on Boxing Day and that sucked for my ol' Mother as that was her birthday.  So am I chopped liver ... it's my birthday and all anybody thinks is to throw out old boxes.  Happy day that one, huh.

It was similar for my ol' Dad as his birthday was on Christmas Eve and maybe that's even worse.  I hear you have a birthday, little man, but unless your name is Jesus you better sit yer birthday butt down.  What should a kid do with this, huh.

There's not much I can give beyond cute stories and music.  I think I'm doing ok with the cute stories although Mariah Carey probably doesn't like them too much but overall Christmas does ok there.  The music is extremely difficult and that story doesn't need a litany as exhaustion is the biggest piece.  "The Cat in the Space Between Things" remains the intended magnum opus and I was playing parts of it today but it's very demanding.

It opens on F and twinkles around on some solo piano for a while.  That goes into a loop of the chords for "A Symphony for Cat" and this is where the lyrics must be delivered.  The problem is that there are lots so the plan is to read them from the iPad.  That works as the piano loop is recorded so I don't have to fiddle with anything at the same time.  The exact arrangement beyond that isn't clear as Cat isn't in this part, that's the discovery and the reason it's part of the tune.  This isn't confusion but rather selection of what I like the best for it and that's not final.

That bit goes into "The Space Between Things" and this is all out trips ... but ... this has a load of lyrics to it and only Superman with his x-ray vision is going to read an iPad with all those lasers hammering.  That's just tactical but still it's something to resolve.  The lyrics need to be there.

There's a window of about three hours until light starts.  Shooting the video may go half an hour but there's only one shot so right now I'm stalking it.  I took a bath yesterday so that's close enough, right.   I guess technically now it's the day before yesterday but, thankfully, scent-o-rama hasn't come to video yet.  For today's scent-o-rama, we have reefer, me, and Tobey the Dog.  My recommendation is to turn it off.


Got about 45 minutes of video with high-res audio by streaming in parallel to Second Life where Cat and Shady Fleming could hear it.

Time to work-up the video is likely four to six hours from start to online at YouTube.  That will keep for daylight.

One thing you can't tell from the video is how damn good it feels to turn off the fans for the lasers.  The noise from them is non-stop annoying as hell.  The studio mikes were appropriated long ago but that's kind of good as the stage mike isn't sensitive enough to pick up much fan noise.  You won't hear it or not much but I hear it until I can't stand it anymore.

(Ed:  where's the Christmas?)

It was all about peace, love and light.  Zero editorials.  I didn't say Christmas but hopefully you could hear the vibe in it.

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