Monday, September 1, 2014

My Duck Soup Gets Greek Features

Charlie and the Greek Kittens is the latest addition to the Features page on My Duck Soup.  It's part slide show to give the story of them growing and it's part commentary for that part of the time in Katakolon.  It pulls a lot of cute but I can withstand the insulin as there's also a bit on talking to Harry Loutas to learn of his BioLive Paradise (English / French) near Katakolon.

There's kind of a Heinleinian old fool drive to Tie Every Damn Thing Together but I am aware I'm doing it.  I'm sure the story of Charlie is a good one and there are many in the ride through all those countries up to Scotland.  The trick is to present this stuff so it's as engaging, hopefully more so, than the bloggery during the ride.  What I consider is doing "Abandoning Paradise" on My Duck Soup so it's easy to use / read.  It wouldn't affect anyone buying the book as, wtf, they don't buy it anyway.

(Ed:  as in goose egg?)

That's a Bruder, mein Roger.

Same with "Lunagrams" but that one is associated with Silas Scarborough so maybe it shoots nickels at comets instead of my cheerful self.  It's probably connected correctly as both books are associated with the same AppleID so I don't have any particular concern ... other than writing rubbishy books.

(Ed:  not even sympathy sales?)

It doesn't get more pitiful than this.  I'd write an essay on this tragedy ... but no-one would fookin' buy it.

But no-one has to buy anything on My Duck Soup so that's the focus as it's a good story and it'd be a shame if it just spun around on a disk like it's somebody when really it's just a do-nothing politician.

(Ed:  do they call that a segue in the Clever and Creative Writers School?)

The evidence seems clear to me I have never attended a Clever and Creative Writers School nor is there any chance they would admit such baggage in any case.

(Ed:  do you think antagonizing people politically hurts your sales?)

I fuckin' hope so!  That means they listened.

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