Sunday, July 13, 2014

Silas in Metropolis on the 19th

Yah, I'll be leaping over tall buildings, the whole bit.  Metropolis is another of the virtual grids and Zaphod Enoch is there.  He has asked me to play on the 19th at 2:00 pm SLT.  I'm pretty sure the set has changed quite a bit even since the last time I played for him so I'm looking forward to it.  Most of the audience will be German and this gives an excellent reason to stop slacking on learning this language.

Here's a link to Metropolis for setting up an account, etc (English and German).

They needed a bio and I so love writing stuff like this (cough)

Silas Scarborough has been playing guitar for over forty years and has successfully managed to avoid learning any popular songs although he did add bass and synthesizer as well to the kit.  His first band was The Rot with its one-night-wonder, "Don't Bury Your Dead."  This was followed by The Freezebirds and this lasted for some years.  Silas moved to computer-driven music and stayed heavily-committed to synthesizers and computers for quite a few years but now finds a lot more musical interest in making music dynamically with multiple instruments tapped into a looper.  This almost guarantees nothing will be the same twice and this is exactly what Silas wants.

confirm: Grid: Metropolis, Region(Sim): Beeblebrox, Venue: Bluesfabrik, Date: July 19th, Time: 23:00 CET, 2 pm pdt, duration 1 hour, fee not negotiated yet, payable via sl or paypal 

(This is not a change as the gig was scheduled months ago.)

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