Sunday, July 20, 2014

About that Will

Alles zum Cat.

(signed) Alan Fraser

That's the Galaxy Guitar, the Apple laptop and the external drive, Yamaha audio interface and the stomp boxes.

Also the backscratcher.  She will know.

If I cannot get to Germany myself then I will come the best way I can.

Note:  the other equipment is not mine.

I do not want a funeral but rather to be smoked and the ashes chucked into the river in Munich so Cat and I can finally get going on that houseboat.  I would rather be part of the world than a pre-zombie.

I believe I've already been clear that I do not want my life extended by artificial means for any reason whatsoever.

Most of all I want the people in Second Life to take damn good care of Cat.  She is one very special woman.  You will never find anyone who loves music and her performers more.  There isn't anyone anywhere more committed to peace and the children.  And she doesn't make a dime on it.  She is a very special woman.

There are some specialty items

Apple iPad - Yevette

Le Tour stuff - Lotho

Book signed by ol' Mother when she was a kid - Alexis

Sweater gifts from Mrs lefty - Lotho.  He will know who could best use them.

The Galactic Peace Tour Official Copy of "The Portable Curmudgeon" by Jon Winokur - Ronald Correia (Rhode Island) - He's crazy as a loon but he's a good man.

Pile of Galactic Tour DVDs and t-shirts in a closet - Yevette.  I didn't have much luck selling them but she may (laughs).

What else?

There isn't anything else (laughs).

Well, I have a Leith Library card!

Lotho - I don't know if you read this anymore but it would be deeply appreciated if you could talk with Yevette about this as it's all right in her face and that's one hell of a heavy load to carry by yourself.  My concern is that she will be alone during a very dark situation and no-one to help her.  I'm creating that dark situation so it would mean a huge amount to help her.  The Texas Tallboy is in and out but he's too young for this.

It creeped me out when our ol' Mother talked this but, from that, I knew she was cool with it, creepy as it was to hear it.

It all sucks and I don't like it but I'm not depressed and it's in the category of, well, that's unusual.

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