Sunday, July 20, 2014

This May Amuse You

I'm really not particularly afraid of dying, I just don't want to do it.  However, I am afraid of the Comments.

It amuses me that I'm afraid of them ... but I'm still afraid of them.

The Internet is so riddled with slash monkeys that you practically need a crash helmet and Kevlar body armor.

It's the New Age and no-one is ever wrong.  Of course, no-one ever does anything and no-one is ever wrong in that either.  It may well be impossible to be wrong anymore.

So the prognosis is the best music you'll get for the next fifty years is that you'll be watching a fat Miley Cyrus singing her greatest hits and thinking, wow, I remember the good old days.


My friend recommended earlier that I listen to a singer but I declined as I'm really tired of stars.  Seriously.  This me, me, me bullshit is just tiresome.  It's not so much that they use karaoke but rather they don't give a fuck about a band because it would take some attention from them.  MTV was the worst thing to happen to music and karaoke, anywhere but a bar, is right after it.

Bands make everyone in them better or, guess what, they will throw your ass out.  I don't know where it came that the guitarist is the star, let's keep him.   Or the singer is the star, let's keep her.  All else is trivial.  When was the last time you heard about a drummer other than Yoshiki from X Japan.  Same with bass players.  Music is nothing without them and yet now they're just background.

What the fuck?

Chuck the symphony but keep the violin.  I like those.


Some of the karaoke is so girls can find bands.  You can often see those ones doing dual streams with other musicians.  That's not sexist as it's usually girls doing that and cool.  I hope they find the bands they seek.  Good luck.

Another set of the karaoke sings does that kind of an act because of some physical limitation that prevents them from getting out.  Maybe they're too heavy or whatever.  For these girls, SL gives an environment they can't get anywhere else.  They still ought to look to dual streams as, so long as you get it technically right, everyone sounds better that way.

Some do it because they're afraid of a band and those ones are screwing themselves seriously.  Snap out of that thinking, girl.  There are rainbows out there but you have to go outside to see them!

I still don't like karaoke but I see why some do it and why not.

Some music is necessarily solo.  For example, you rarely hear flamenco except from soloists as anyone trying to keep up with them would have a heart attack.  In this context and others, solo is appropriate.

Will lie down some more.  I'm not really sure what happens.  I don't like it but so it goes.  I can at least get some milk down now.  This may be a record for not eating (laughs).

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