Monday, July 28, 2014

Pope Francis and American Catholicism #RevChuckCurrie

Everybody loves Pope Francis as he seems closer to the walking embodiment of Jesus of any Pope the Vatican ever saw.  So, naturally, American Catholics want a schism.

(Ed: Say what?)

He's a socialist and his teachings conflict with the blind greed of Wall Street.  If there's any question of keeping the money or the church, well, Frankie ... buddy ... you've got to go.

Any questions on the depth of American Catholicism?

There was an article in Time about how Americans love Pope Francis and I'm sure a great many do as, really, how could you not.  He's like the grandfather everyone wishes they had, the benefactor every orphanage has ever dreamed, and a man who can make even the most hardened atheist smile.  Plus he doesn't jerk with children.  The last one who did almost nothing about priests jerking children is now a saint.  American Catholics had no problem with that.

But Pope Francis is a socialist and a threat to the American Way.  Get rid of him.

I'm not going to quote Limbaugh.  You know the filth he spews.  It does no service to anyone to quote it.  Throw him some Oxy and tell him to shut the fuck up.

Something amusing to me was that Reverend Chuck Currie is the one who told me how much American Catholics love Pope Francis.  I've talked to them too, Chuck, and that's not what they said to me.  (The link is to Rev Chuck's Twitter feed.  I don't know if he's a good rev or a bad one but it's only fair to link back to him.)

I've also heard American Catholics say the only way to solve the problem with Muslims is to exterminate them.  (That is verbatim.)

So, Reverend Chuck, I've read the article and I balance that against what I've been told personally by Catholics I know to be deeply-devout.  I don't have enough of a sample size to determine what happens here but perhaps you will agree that something is severely disturbed in their ranks when there is this much disparity.

People have called me a heathen for decades and it amuses me as it's a great vantage point from which to observe.  How religions treat people they don't like tells me a whole lot more than how they treat the ones they do want to keep around.

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