Wednesday, July 30, 2014

So You Want the Political Stuff

It's not really clear why you want the political stuff as it's ninety-nine percent bullshit but maybe that's why you come here as I don't give a fuck whether you believe me or you don't.  I don't make any money on it, nobody will give me a shiny new Chevrolet, etc.

People want me to think Ukraine is about something more than just hustling for the gas line into the EU from Russia before the other one goes live.

It isn't but they want me to think that.  Nice job that Biden's kid got a cushy job out of it, huh.  (They made him a high-level suit in the gas company representing EU)

How do you like US foreign policy so far.

I've reviewed multiple times all the dipshit conflicts since WWII that the US said it won but any damn fool can see it lost.  What point.  The only conflict that actually accomplished anything was in Haiti.

But we need to keep Rachel Maddow employed as, cripes, what else would she do.  Atta girl, Rachel, you keep on being controversial or whatever you call it.

Fucking shills bore the hell out of me.

(Ed:  you can't talk bad about her.  She's a lesbian.)

Watch me.

I have no particular campaign on her as she's just one more vacuous TV zomboid with pretend controversies and just enough boob shots to tease the cowboys.

Maybe I need to go to the Daily Star to find which American TV newscasters have had boob jobs.  How's that for some controversy.  I bet it could be amusing as it would be interesting to see your boob job to career success coefficient works out in the news.  It might be worth a few minutes as there are, oh, only a billion or so boob puns in it.

So there is your Pressing Political Pose of the Day:   does a good boob job help your career in being a talking head on the news.

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