Thursday, March 2, 2017

In Defense of the Veterans Administration after McMenamin

There was a recent Facebook post which has been made the social network equivalent of state's evidence regarding foul treatment of vets at VA hospitals or at least one.  (RT:  Elderly veterans in pain 'disregarded': Facebook photos spark outrage)

- Hanna McMenamin / Facebook

These men have not been admitted to the hospital or they would be in hospital clothes so there's no way to know the circumstance of the pictures.  It seems extremely unlikely anything is faked since testimony about them comes from a Marine and his wife.

The lie, if any, isn't in the pictures nor the Marine's statement but rather it's in the journo's compulsion to go beyond that to a systemic problem with VA.  And, oh, by the way, I'll not be hearing another word about how Russia Today is a Socialist conspiracy since the VA is one of the Socialist Left's favorite orphan stepchildren but this article went full CNN purple.

This is just one more in the series with the Endless Damn Media Lie of any single instance indicts every other.  Reporting of it is slanted from the start since how many abuses do you suppose happened in any type of medical facility yesterday.  They sure made front page news, didn't they.

I now have experience of some years with the VA clinic in Fort Worth and the VA hospital in Dallas.  This is only another instance of reporting you can add to the one you see above but I have never seen anything approaching that report.  Everyone at VA has been courteous and attentive to a fault.  It's not at all my purpose to contest the word of the Marine but I do contest the use of his words to indicate an endemic phenomenon since I have never seen it.

Today they were sticking a damn camera in my tallywhacker, fer chrissakes, and if ever there's an opportunity for medical people to be sadistic pricks then that's the one but they were as tender as could be about it.  When she started, the nurse told me to drop my pajama pants and lie down on the table.

Ed:  farking she?

Experience the joy joy feeling, mate ... but it gets better.

She had asked before starting she if her protege, another young lady, could observe.

Ed:  so there you are with two women you have never seen before looking at your bits?

I'm tellin' you, mate ... joy joy feelings ... especially when she splashed those bits down with iodine which was cold as I imagine it would be if they landed in the ice bucket for a bottle of bubbly wine.  She did warn me, tho.

I told her there isn't much modesty left after they cut your clothes from you from a bike crash.

"Big crash," she asked.

Yep and from that I learned it's a really bad idea to bounce those bits off the gas tank.  You won't even believe how much those bits can swell ... but then I thought for a minute and said, well, I guess you would believe.  Who else knows better than a nurse in a Urology clinic.

Laughs all 'round.

That vibe continued and the doctor was as sensitive as could be.  That particular procedure is one of the ranking nightmares for a man but they were all as sensitive and gentle as any man could hope.

There was a board on display in a central area in the VA hospital in Dallas and it had a number of segments which showed some aspects of the systems analysis and design being brought to bear on VA.  Due to lag time of a couple of hours between appointments, I had the time to read the material and it was impressive as to the extent and sophistication of it.

The VA system is computerized like nothing I've seen previously since the medical information and current status are seemingly available anywhere within the system so there's never any time spent filling out forms or anything of that nature.  I need to use my VA card and then I'm identified.  Beyond that, nothing is necessary from me except to show up.

My biggest bitch with VA has been in the length of time needed to get an appointment if I did not have one already.  That part is a problem which, I believe, is solved by additional resources and the kind of systems design on review above.

There is rarely any waiting for appointments and there's never been waiting which went for more than an hour.  It's my experience that their scheduling is high quality and it works between locations which is not even close to true for civilian hospitals and medical outfits.  You don't have to keep providing your personal information to different medical outfits since it's already there at VA.

It's my strong feeling about VA that it prevents 'doctor shopping' since you can't hop from one to another to whine about back pain to build up a cache of Vicodin.  The Pharmacy function is synchronized as well and is consequently much safer.

VA makes a strong focus on mental health as in every single visit and it asks if you're depressed so that can go as deep as you need it to go.

There are many things about VA which can't be found in the civilian world and characterizing VA as a whole based on the bad apples isn't much different from characterizing all men as beaters, all women can't drive, the cow jumped over the Moon.  It's not true.  The untruth wasn't from the Marine but from the reporting.

Ed:  every word of it was true!

Every word of it was limited and was thus in aggregate a lie.

When did anyone see a general audit of Big Pharma?

When did anyone see such focus on the big health providers such as in California and elsewhere.

Ed:  do you contend VA is faultless?

I contend no such thing but I'll not stand for characterizing the organization as being comprised of cold-hearted, malicious bastards.  That wasn't in a word of what the Marine said but the article, in sum, said little else.


Anonymous said...

You might be the only person that I know who professes the VA as a well oiled machine. This is the same organization that hides actual appointment time lengths in order to recieve their efficiency bonuses.
So while I am sure the employees that actually provide the care are very nice people. This system overall is as broken as it was when you worked as an orderly in tje Cinti VA hospital and complained constantly about how the veterans were treated

Unknown said...

I give the testimony I know and there's no change since I've bitched previously about problems getting an appointment initiated.

There's the testimony from the Marine at the top as well but there are many others. It sucks wherever it does suck but I can tell you categorically that's not been what I've seen and you know that's from many visits to VA. The men in the pictures weren't admitted to the hospital so we don't see anything of anyone there on an in-patient basis and, thankfully, I've never been admitted so I don't know either. I can't say whether it's any different but I would be stunned to discover that to be true if it is.