Friday, March 31, 2017

Facebook Moves to Be the Fundraiser for Rape, Suicide, and Torture

Ever since Facebook Live started, people or at least simulacra thereof have been uploading videos of one crime after the other with particular focus on rape, torture, and suicide.  There was one example of a girl of about fifteen who gave a tearful speech and then hung herself from a tree.  You would think in the interests of decency which Facebook proclaims so much, they would have stopped the video but, noooo, that didn't happen.

Crime is expensive but Mark Zuckerberg has found a way to give violent crime the support it needs by starting a fundraising project internal to Facebook.  Not only can the people of Facebook sit about looking helpless when there's another crime on Facebook Live; now they can make some money on it while Facebook collects a percentage.

Facebook is aiming to be the instant check cashing store of the Internet.  It's no longer necessary to rely on the CIA for murder, suicide, and torture since Facebook allows us all the play the home game and vile as the CIA has always been at least they don't seem to take a profit on their crime ... but Facebook will.  (CNN:  Facebook launches personal fundraising tool)

Enjoy the Facebook doublespeak as they tell us they are not in this for profit and immediately tell us how much they will take.

Facebook spokesperson Stephen Rocco Rodi told CNNTech donations to personal fundraisers will incur a transaction fee of 6.9%, plus 30 cents, per donation. "We're not in the business of making profit on this," Rodi said, adding the fee covers security and fraud protection, vetting and payment processing. By contrast, nonprofits pay a 5% fee.


We just hate it that we have to charge anything.  Trust us on this.

It's really not clear how far the collapse of any morality in America will descend but Facebook is doing its part to lead the hoi polloi into mediocre squalor absent of any real aspiration or ambition.  As we have seen, they have done nothing whatever to resist.

People wonder why the morality in Washington collapsed but it shouldn't be such a surprise when that collapse is hardly limited to the devolving hellhole in D.C.  For all those who scream about the Bible in America, it's really remarkable how many of the screamers never even read it.

Donald Trump has referred to the Bible more than most tent preachers and Mark Zuckerberg recently said he thinks religion is important for yet more of his incisive philosophy.  To all indication of those who propound the Bible, it's the last thing anyone needs for any enlightenment but it's a peach of a path to organized crime.  Who loved the Church more deeply than the Mafia.

There's nothing even wrong with the Bible or not enough to warrant the endless hysteria but there's a great deal wrong with profiteering parasites like Trump, Zuckerberg, and lowlifes of that ilk.  America does have high standards but people like that aren't even remotely aware of them.

One day those high American standards will emerge again but not likely while Facebook is around.

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