Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Cat Boucher Gallery at the MusikCircus

Take fantastic out in every dimension you like since Cat Boucher did in designing her latest stage.  It's her artwork on the walls of the venue.  Fantastic doesn't only mean 'really good' since the truly fantastic goes beyond reality.

The minimalist stage in space with mushrooms.  You know this performance will be surreal in the music as well as the art.

Cat really outdid herself with this one and then DD came to play.

Silas has played at many venues but he's never played in one with this kind of surrealism.

DD looks like the Queen of the Night ruling the Underworld here.  Dangerous women are the finest kind, after all.

Here's a long shot to show the gallery as the avant garde image of Pandora.

Note:  Pandora is the planet in the movie "Avatar"

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