Thursday, March 2, 2017

Indiana Leads the Way with Cops as No More than Glorified Thieves in Uniform

Civil forfeiture is one of the most resounding disgraces of liberty in America since it permits cops to seize, without charge, anything you have, particularly large sums of cash, if they think it will be used for any nefarious purpose.  It's difficult and expensive to get your money back even when your record is as clean as that of a Vatican choirboy.

Ed:  does the Vatican even have choirboys?

Dunno.  Never been there since I was more interested in going to Bussana Vecchia.  (WIKI:  Bussana Vecchia)

Cops in Indiana aren't guilty of the crime of civil forfeiture alone since that wasn't enough disgrace for them so they used the money to augment pay and pensions.  (RT:  Bussana VecchiaIndiana police used $400k in asset forfeiture funds to boost their own pay & benefits, audit finds)

A federal audit of Indiana law enforcement found nearly $400,000 in federal asset forfeiture funds went to pay the salaries, overtime, and benefits for its officers, which the law does not allow.
The audit of the Henry County Sheriff’s Office’s “equitable sharing program” released last week was conducted by the Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Audit Division. 

In total, auditors examined $802,206 in expenditures made by the sheriff’s office in 2014 and 2015, including $378,720 that was transferred to other law enforcement agencies as a part of the equitable sharing program, which allows police departments to prosecute asset forfeiture cases under federal instead of state law.

- RT

If the Mafia did this, they were be prosecuted for racketeering, extortion, and violation of RICO statutes.

Get it straight that no proof is required for civil forfeiture since it's never more than street justice and there are horror stories galore about how cops across the country have abused the hell out of the law.

It was bad before the news came out about Indiana cops and now that low standard will likely spread as well.

People criticize justice in Texas where they send criminals to Huntsville to execute them but, in neoliberal California, they just send suspects to East L.A. where cops will shoot them on the street ... and get away with it.

Note:  Los Angeles has the highest cop kill count for the country.  They don't need Perry Mason in California anymore since suspects never get to trial.

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