Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Bo and Lefty Have their Own World Cup at Cat's Art MusikCircus

Regardless of whether you like soccer, if you play a gig during a European time zone then you're in the World Cup.  Why?  Well, because every European, including his mother, his dog, and his horse, is watching the World Cup.  The shows last night were competing against the match between Germany and Algeria.

Cat and I have a mutual friend who was born in Algeria but now lives in Germany.  He said he was pulling for Germany but he would get on the first flight to Algeria if they won as there was no way he was going to miss the party.  He doesn't go back to Algeria much as his family keeps trying to marry him off.  He tells them he is happily married to a nice German girl but they just say yes, yes, we know this but we find you good Algerian girl too.

Well ...

I tried and tried but hardly anyone showed up for Bo's set and I'm not going to report on it anyway as Bo is evolving and becoming.  This isn't like finding yourself when you go off to Colorado and spend the rest of your life making bongs.  Finding yourself in music is a very different thing and Cat's Art MusikCircus is an excellent place to do it as I doubt there's another Second Life venue more supportive of experimentation.  Sometimes Bo's music just now is fascinating and sometimes it's wtf but I know for sure that when he gets a Bo Groove going then you'll want to be there to hear it.

lefty Unplugged did a set after Untolerable Bohemian and it was the same situation.  It looked like I hadn't done anything but actually I was sending gig notices all over as in hey y'all, got a great show here.  It's a great show, come on over.  You there, come on inside.  You'll love it.  But no luck.  At the start of lefty's set Germany and Algeria were at half time and the match was tied.  There was absolutely zero chance of getting anyone in Europe away from a television set.

There was a song in lefty's set last night that got my attention particularly and he described it up-front as more poetry than songwriting.  For a song, most poems will be rhyming couplets that typically use the same fairly simple metre (i.e. rhythm / beat / phrasing).  For "Cry Loud," lefty was using a much more advanced structure and it was brilliant.  He had set a relatively simple chord pattern going with the guitar and the rhythm of the words danced into it and away from it in a highly exciting way.

Freeform verse can be anything from lazy to brilliant and, as with anything else, it depends on what you do with it.  There is metre to everything but you can make it so sophisticated that no-one understands it anymore (i.e. the jazz phenomenon) or make it so ludicrous that no-one needs to understand it.  "Cry Loud" shows a great feeling for metre and that's why it's so captivating.  This is one fascinating piece of work and I hope to hear it again.

One can only hope to hear again one piece or another by lefty as he has recorded some CDs ... but he doesn't sell them.  If you want to hear a song by lefty Unplugged then, darlin', you will need to come to the show.

Prosody is the study of metre and it wouldn't do any songwriter any harm to review it further.  The Metre WIKI is dry reading but gives plenty of information and starting points to pursue it further.

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