Tuesday, July 1, 2014

It's a Most Unusual Situation

My record is fairly consistent and Republicans hate me because I would actually like to see the country enjoy some forward progress plus I don't particularly like killing people.  Democrats hate me because I think Hillary Clinton isn't worth her weight in fish heads and the next time she flaps her mouth about money, someone ought to stuff a wad of her greenbacks in it.

Even better is when Chelsea Clinton talks:  "I was curious if I could care about [money] on some fundamental level and I couldn’t.”  (NY Post: Chelsea Clinton’s wealth can’t buy her class)

Chelsea Clinton has had a job for about two years at NBC making $600,000 per year and she's done almost nothing.

Here's a little something for Republicans as well.  Love the F-35 program, well, except for the one that caught fire on the runway this morning.  For a trillion and a half dollars, I would have expected fireproofing (shrug).

Christians hate me because I don't accept their dogma.  My beliefs are not, for the most part, inconsistent with theirs, so it's not clear why there should be a problem.  Muslims are free to hate me as well as I regard Muhammed as child-molesting pervert.  I don't believe he was really nailing his nine-year-old wife but how old did she have to be before he started.  I've heard people blow it off with 'that was the way of the times' but I don't buy that for a millisecond.  You don't fuck children.

The Love It or Leave It crowd hates me as well but that's not clear either.  My purpose is to protest the way corruption destroys the country and it seems to me hatred for the country is being complacent about doing anything to remedy the corruption.

The gunners hate me because I'll ban all their hand guns.  Gun control people hate me as well because I think they're wimps when they only try to regulate assault weapons which don't mean all that much.

The liberals who have evolved past being Democrats hate me because I wanted to shoot Mitch McConnell in the kneecaps.  I do see that might have been a little bit extreme (shrug).

Hipsters hate me because I don't want to wear a Fedora or get my penis pierced.

This isn't self-pity but rather amusement as the disconnection is to the point now in which there is lots of contact with Cat and Yevette and all the witchy stuff they do.  I do love my brother ... even if he's been kind of a dick lately.  Cadillac Man and Laughing Gecko are floating around out there somewhere and the Mystery Lady even made a brief appearance.  There is connection to people at the MusikCircus but it's not as tight as I don't know whether they prefer ketchup or mayonnaise on french fries.  Beyond that I don't feel much connection with anything.  It's like being Major Tom but it doesn't matter so long as the instruments work.

Which leads me to think it's time for the "Vaping with Jesus" video show.  I would need some striped spandex for my aerobics look.  With the Mad Hatter hat and some sunglasses, it could be quite fashionable.  Scarf?  Gloves?  The mind reels.  Numubu could be ok as you can collect tips and get (cough) big bucks and no whammies.  I may be old but I can still find ways to embarrass my family.

It could be funny to find out if Reverend Silas T Sasquatch can handle some real-time stand-up.  My biggest concern is getting busted as it wouldn't be the first time some cop decided to be a prick about a stoner video.  Calling it the Magic Jesus Weed may not be sufficient to reduce official attention.  Oh noooo, the kids will see it ... but here's a tip on that, Betty Crocker: the kids are the ones who grow it.

And it is a Jesus Weed.  Until your whizkid scientists can add up their DNA with their Adenosines, Thymines, and Saltines or whatever and show me a functioning marijuana plant then I'm saying Jesus did it.

Maybe this doesn't take the situation seriously enough but I don't see how seriously I'm supposed to take it and, wtf, people are pissed off anyway.

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