Sunday, June 4, 2017

Climate Change for Nikki Haley, Trump's Circus Barker #Science

The Rockhouse doesn't like it when microcephalic bimbos such as Nikki Haley try to toy with us when she said, "Donald Trump believes in climate change and that humans have something to do with it."

Tell you what, party girl, we don't give a fuck what he believes since Trump is just another pseudo-scientific bimbo as well.  As with much of the rest he does, he's not too good at it.

Here's the real science and don't you worry about reading it, Nikki Haley, since it will fly right over your idiot head.  Tip:  consider being a real woman such as Susan Sarandon who stands up for principle rather than uninformed dogma.  (Ithaka: We Hear a Lot about Strong Women and Susan Sarandon is Steel)

Methane takes the quick way out

Accounting for all the sources and sinks of methane is important for determining its concentration in the atmosphere. Andreassen et al. found evidence of large craters embedded within methane-leaking subglacial sediments in the Barents Sea, Norway. They propose that the thinning of the ice sheet at the end of recent glacial cycles decreased the pressure on pockets of hydrates buried in the seafloor, resulting in explosive blow-outs. This created the giant craters and released large quantities of methane into the water above.


Widespread methane release from thawing Arctic gas hydrates is a major concern, yet the processes, sources, and fluxes involved remain unconstrained. We present geophysical data documenting a cluster of kilometer-wide craters and mounds from the Barents Sea floor associated with large-scale methane expulsion. Combined with ice sheet/gas hydrate modeling, our results indicate that during glaciation, natural gas migrated from underlying hydrocarbon reservoirs and was sequestered extensively as subglacial gas hydrates. Upon ice sheet retreat, methane from this hydrate reservoir concentrated in massive mounds before being abruptly released to form craters. We propose that these processes were likely widespread across past glaciated petroleum provinces and that they also provide an analog for the potential future destabilization of subglacial gas hydrate reservoirs beneath contemporary ice sheets.

Science:   Massive blow-out craters formed by hydrate-controlled methane expulsion from the Arctic seafloor

The last time there was a large-scale release of methane into the atmosphere, the Snowball Earth resulted and the planet froze from pole to pole.  While it seems counterintuitive that the Earth would freeze as a result of climatic change, the thaw at that time is the way the methane got released and the consequence of all that greenhouse gas was the Earth froze.  (WIKI:  Snowball Earth)

You see from Nikki Haley what politics does to this since maybe you're aware of humans on the planet at that time but no-one else is.  There were none.  Volcanic activity likely triggered the release of the methane and the consequence of that was one of the most colossal climatic flips in the planet's history.

The question of climate change is not one of whether anyone in Washington believes since it doesn't require anything from them to proceed although we have seen they're more than happy to make it worse with the output from coal-fired energy systems.

When the Earth can freeze from pole to pole without Man's activity, you've just got love what will come from that kind of power in combination with the additional damage factories, etc have done and the glory of that disaster is yet to come.

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