Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Additional Notification from the Martians over Washington

Once again the Martians contacted us and this time to advise there are using a pentaputer approach similar to that of NASA in which it takes five independent computers to come up with the correct decision ... except when the software is buggy and then they have no chance.  In the case of NASA, that resulted in a rocket which was shot at Mars missing the planet altogether and, in the case of the Martians, it meant the Martians were going to land a day ahead of the one they intended.

The Martian plan has been to land on the anniversary of World Ocean Day, June 8th, because Martians have an excellent sense of irony and they know how they blew away their oceans so Earth's efforts to do the same they thought might need some assistance in prevention of that grim eventuality.

The Rockhouse also notes June 8th is the day of the coronation of England's last Anglo/Saxon kings in, I believe, 1024.

We shall, therefore, eagerly await their arrival plus Kellyanne Conway's announcement the Martians are really from Philadelphia and it's all just cosplay.

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