Saturday, May 27, 2017

Fliegenden Schweine Will Make Your Dreams Come True

The only question is where are they?

Cincinnati has many flying pigs, many on public monuments, and that may go some distance toward explaining the presence of Sheriff Simon Leis in his helicopter but that allusion has been made many times.  Leis loved the same way babies love diaper rash.  Larry Flynt made a fool out of him in court and we love him for it.

Nevertheless, there are zero flying porcines anywhere along the East coast.

Ed:  maybe they know it's sinking

Everyone knows it's sinking so how come only flying pigs react.  Negatory on that one since it must run deeper.

Wo sind die fliegenden Schweine?

I know your tribal atomics plus the context tell you exactly what that means but it's not so far from the English anyway.  Deutscher sind unsere tribal brothers.

Ed:  we are all BrĂ¼der und Schwestern

You're getting it, mate.

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