Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Cat Boucher is Organizing a Summer of Love in #secondlife

A short time ago, I talked (i.e. typed) with Cat and she invited me to play a short set for her Summer of Love which will take place in Cat's MusikCircus June 23-25.  Keep in mind the dates are tentative since she's in the planning stage but it's active planning in contacting performers, etc.

My response was that it would be difficult but if it would be ok then I would let her know in two weeks.  There's an ongoing situation and I don't want to go into it but the cause in the Summer of Love, above all, was peace so I'm highly-motivated to play for her.

My best peace song and my favorite is Ithaka: "Waiting for a Peace Train" and I can use tracks to back it but maybe with an acoustic voice for the lead as I did it that original time.

"A Song for Yevette in her Time" is about her and it's also about anyone.  The song is brand-new so that's goodness.

Those take it ten or twelve minutes and another twenty needed.

None of that is fireballin' and I may be following Alazarin Mobius who may well be one of the most gifted guitarists in Second Life.  Competing with that is stupid and not truly musical anyway but the material I suggest above is quite a bit softer.  There needs to be a better transition and I'll give it some thought since maybe it needs to open hot, try to get beautiful for a bit, and then close hot.  The set is only thirty minutes but that still gives plenty of time for dynamics.

Cat also put me onto some exceptional acts since she found The First Millennial Musician Who Doesn't Suck.  No hint up-front on the name but he plays his own axe and he doesn't push any buttons but most of all he may be the best poet I've heard in quite some time.  Maybe you have some ideas on who this person may be and I will post an article later so you see if your choice matches but I'm knackered just now.  It's 92F and the the air conditioning blowed-up.  Whoops.

For me it's great since I can wander about in my beautiful neon-lime yellow shorts and feel as comfortable as an alligator with his eye on a golfer.  Texas can't deliver Humidity Hell like the Midwest an on East can do it but Yevette still hates it.  For me it's just fine so long as my ol' Dad doesn't hang me out over that aquarium with the sharks again.

But, wtf, he already had three so he had plenty of spares if he dropped me.  I must have been about this age or I would have been too heavy to hold out there.

If you haven't yet traumatized your kids in this way then get cracking on it, fer chrissakes.  I love him for it, truly, since he was crazy from head to toe and, man, he was good at it.

How's that for the strangest segue you may see all day.

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