Sunday, May 28, 2017

"Genetically-Altered Marijuana-Eating Rabbits" | Reverend Silas T Sasquatch (circa 2009)

Of all the Sasquatch Sermons, this one is my favorite and many have viewed it on YouTube and elsewhere since it presents his deepest wisdom.  The win was when someone asked, "Was that real?"

Yes, it's all true (wink, wink).

This wasn't quite the score as for Subaru Li the Korean kid Mystery Lady and I were going to adopt since many people bought that one (takes a humble bow).


Anonymous said...

When were you going to adopt said child

Unknown said...

It was a hoax from the beginning but it was harmless so I went for it. Definitely a better stunt than the morgue prank. It was funny but sooooo wrong (larfs).