Monday, May 29, 2017

End the Pretext for US Occupation of Most Countries of the World | End NATO

There are US military bases in at least one hundred and forty places outside America and the presence of a foreign military is the traditional definition of occupation by a foreign power.

Donald Trump has shown in manner the arrogance American Presidents have presented ubiquitously even while some were glib and charming, others were arrogant sweathogs, and then there's Trump who probably even embarrasses his parents when Trump's tasteless hotels didn't bother them at all.

The current absurdity is around Japan since America has been in occupation ever since WWII and Japan is getting all militaristic now with the apparent thought America will come to help but America won't do anything unless it feels like doing it anyway.  America gets self-righteous about defending a treaty with Japan but, as we have seen with America's history, treaties don't mean anything unless America was going to do it anyway.

Angela Merkel, one of the few leaders of any kind in the world, male or female, said today Germany can't rely on America or Britain anymore but the fantasy is they ever could.  (Global News:  Angela Merkel says Europe can no longer completely rely on U.S., Great Britain)

Merkel, while of generally sound thought, was gulled by Obama, one of the most murderous vandals to set foot in Washington since Dick Cheney in the eight prior years and it's not clear whether that tiresome old matron, Hillary Clinton is welcome but she's as much of a Grifting Gulliver Girl as any carpetbagger who ever invaded the South (i.e. just like Obama but with added boobs and reduced brain).

RT:  No more dependence on allies, Europe should take its fate into own hands – Merkel after G7

NATO is only the mask the American Harlequin has been using in Europe in its shadow war with Russia since the Fifties.  Typically one would hope the countries in Europe would more spine than to permit but they're just as gulled by American bullshit as America and Theresa May rolls over faster than a Tijuana party doll.  That gives a ducky example of the current best in world leaders contrasted with its whoring worst, both female.

Neofeminism has been only driving around in a junkyard killing rats and hasn't done anything with any substance in decades.  When feminism shifted from matters about women to being an adjunct of the political machine, it lost all significance except for Code Pink which keeps it alive everywhere.

I'm not of the required beboobed persuasion but I would be proud to say it with them, "We're Code Pink and we're informed.  Fear us."

I told Yevette again today, that pussy hat has nothing to do with the DNC which was glibly trying to subrogate it.  Code Pink invented the pussy hat, just as Hillary Clinton had nothing to do with it.  As an example, Clinton was in full support of Israeli imperialism but Code Pink rejects specifically anything which further steals Palestinian land.

Palestine has always existed and it's Israel which did not and the latter has been stealing and killing to take the rest of Palestine ever since Israel's inception and they say they have a right to Jerusalem even though they murdered the best man who ever lived there.  Palestine has a right to exist but Israel doesn't.  Yevette was making the mistake earlier of falling for Netanyahu's ruse that anything he does is in any way related to Judaism and therefore other Jews are culpable.  That's specifically not true and it doesn't even make sense to credit Netanyahu with responsible leadership when it' so rare anywhere else.

There is no chance of any cultural evolution in the world so long as the medieval feudalism in international relationships remains the same and America is the foremost reason that happens.  America isn't simply compromising its own future but that of all the world.

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