Monday, May 29, 2017

The Trouble is There's Really Nothin' in the News

There's really nothin' of significance in the news and anything written about it is consequently insignificant as well.  There's the same general Alec Baldwin Principle that the news is important so long as there's a buck in it.  A clown would have done a better job impersonating Trump since a clown would have been honest, yep, I'm a clown.  The Rockhouse loves clowns for the subtlety but only the real ones like Mikhail Usov from Russia.

Behold his genius and the infinite subtlety of the delivery.  America has found it fashionable or stupidly-amusing to characterize clowns as terrifying but the reason is obvious when any of the good ones could be President tomorrow.

If you have never seen this act from Usov then please do since I'm sure you won't regret it.  He's not a pratfall kind of clown and, in the Rockhouse estimation, he's a genius.

Usov is the only one with a mime act I didn't want to shoot on sight.

For a sidenote on The Situation, Yevette was on Twitter today so I sent her a Tweet to welcome her back and tell her she's been missing so much stupid bullshit.  She laughed.

There must be a crew of Republicans coming through here since people often get bent about articles regarding Hillary Clinton and likewise Obama but the latter confused Republicans because he was deadly vicious but he was black.  They could only deal with subservient black people such as Ben Carson so they could make a silent mockery of him.

Fuck that.

The Rockhouse trusts clowns but we have no reason to trust politicians.  Trying to make news out of the stupid antics of politicians is the same thing as MSM except they pretend it's true and you can see people believe it from their reaction to anything even faintly liberal here.  Therefore, the Rockhouse is reminded again that writing for a generation of swine is a loser since we read about pearls before swine long ago.

“In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely.”

- Hunter Thompson

Ref:  "Generation of Swine" - Hunter S. Thompson

Ed:  he didn't mean the current generation

He meant any generation to which it applies and this one has greeted it with porcine passion.

Ed:  it was old Boomer Bitches who did that!

Sure, they brought it but who was in orgiastic religious ecstasy from it.

Therefore, the Rockhouse must focus all the more on those who are not swine (i.e. the Regulars) and the focus is always there but the delivery, in terms of that which is of any interest, could be much better.

I know art is always a possible win with ML ... so long as it's good art.  I like to think I can meet that standard since I have the same passion for it although not necessarily the same fervor in the pursuit in the physical aspect of it (i.e. I play rather than paint so nothing remains when I stop).

Note:  there's no cynicism in that since part of the Magic of Music for anyone is it's impossible to hold in your hand and it wouldn't make it better if you could.

In fact, ML may see this one immediately since Yevette was watching a show with Wayne Newton and I told her I thought he was a genius.  She was a bit shocked but maybe you remember a funny-lookin' fat kid who sang a lot like a girl and, what do you know, he wound up the King of Las Vegas and a babe magnet from coast to coast.  The admiration isn't so much that he parlayed it into tremendous financial success but rather his act is that good.

I've never seen his act but I bet ML wouldn't have resisted since she wanted to see Lionel Richie and I was surprised by how good he gets in-concert.  However, she also suggested Kenny Rogers and he was rubbish.  He has great singing skills but when he took the roses from a woman who had waited all day to give them and didn't even acknowledge her before passing the roses away, he was judged a Total Asshole.  Great skills don't override being an asshole ... but as much as Kenny Rogers was rubbish, Lionel Richie was brilliant.

There's no news in this since most likely none of you were at the same shows but you know the vibe. After the Hosea Avenue Freak Foundation which relentlessly pursued hellraiser music, it may seem funny to see the diversity in musical interests which sprang from that but the Oneness is the Holism is the Gestalt, my brothers and sisters.

Ed:  you used holistic - neener

In fact I used holism and it was used appropriately since the Gestalt is always bigger than the sum of the parts.  That's the synergy is the magic is the Oneness with the Universe which really was just a dinky little dot which wasn't but now we can watch stars exploding and we so dig that.

You probably didn't watch it but YouTube:  The Dispatch of the Doomsday Spliff already covered exploding stars so enjoy that ride if you like.

The Crab Nebula is one of the most awe-inspiring objects in the heavens and, yep, that was a blowed-up star.

We love exploding stars since there's something bigger than we can possibly imagine and it just fuckin' blowed-up.  The Chinese saw a supernova in 1054 and it was visible to the naked eye for two years.  Now that one blowed-up real good.

We love taking blowed-up stars as Signs so maybe that's when Chinese decided The Future is Rice and there are now eighty million people employed in China by growing the rice, preparing it, marketing it, etc.  There's a quarter of the population of America.  Wowzer

But here's something even the regulars didn't see since I was in a debate in Mrs Bedwell's English class and she probably did create more sparks for English than any other high school teacher I ever saw.  My position was in favor of the use of LSD and Bedwell didn't even bust me for it.  These were different times, my brothers and sisters.

That part isn't so comical but being judged to have won the debate by the class was a thigh slapper for me.  A bit of that came from charming them and I was surprised that could even work but I shamelessly used it.  As you all know so painfully after recent years, it's not the message but the delivery and Marshall McLuhan laughs.

Ed:  this is even more esoteric than the regular rubbish!

Yah but the Reg'lars ... they ain't stupid, you know.

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